Filler text, please skip. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut neque. Vivamus ut elit. Pellentesque fringilla, enim sed tempus ultricies, velit leo mollis dui, a porta lorem ante non nisi. Aliquam a lacus id metus ornare fringilla. Integer varius, pede viverra tempor nonummy, neque sapien dictum nulla, nec blandit dui nisi sit amet urna. Quisque ac erat. Curabitur ultrices nulla at ligula. Nam in turpis. Integer adipiscing elementum orci. Maecenas malesuada neque. Nam molestie. Proin erat. Morbi sit amet elit.

Fix 'r.p. punch' by changing:

Content box
Remove position:relative.
Inner floats
Remove float from either.
Remove clearing element from HTML below inner floats.

Bottom box (hopefully)

This box should be positioned at the bottom of the content area.


Disappearing content in IE 7b2 - 'r.p. punch'

Absolute positioning variant

Ingo Chao wrote it up in IE/Win: relatively positioned parent and floated child - disappearance.

The content box in the middle has position:relative, originally for IE6, and also partly to position a box within it at the bottom. This version applies the zoom property to the content area, giving it 'haslayout' in IE.

The floats reapear, but not the absolutely positioned box that should be at the bottom. This aspect is written up by Bruno Fassino.