Good use of “Web 2.0” technologies

Things on the web move so fast these days that there is a backlash against what people perceive as “Web 2.0” sites before most of the internet population even know what they are. (Even taking the narrow view of AJAX and tagging).

So it’s good to see a use that is valid, improves the content and browsability, and works simply. Que Jeremy Keith‘s use of Technorati and to provide extra content (pulled in by HiJAX).

I’ve posted this around to a few people at my company as a good example, we have been looking for ways we can improve our news feed.

The best I’ve done so far is display a customised feed from my Technorati favorites on my personal portal page. I keep moving computers so a centralised news reader makes sense.

However, the main reason I’m posting this is for the last experiment bit:

As long as you include a link back to the post, your entry will now show up in the results. It won’t be instantaneous, but if your blogging software is set up to ping Technorati when you post, it should show up pretty fast. I’d be interested in finding out just how long it takes for the API to reflect recent pings.

The time is 12:19, I’ll keep looking…

And it appeared at about 12:24 (might have been 12:23, I got distracted). Not bad.


2 contributions to “Good use of “Web 2.0” technologies

  1. Five minutes isn’t too shabby at all. I guess the Technorati API must stay pretty up-to-date with incoming pings.

    Thanks for contributing to my little experiment.

  2. No problem. I’ve found the data from Technorati to be very upto date, it’s just the responsiveness of the site that can be a little flakey.

    However, it does seem to have improved in the time since the re-design. Just after the re-launch it was quite slow, but it has certainly been better recently.

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