Category Archives: Operating Systems

The potential of Voiceover

Voiceover logo (DaVinci man done as blue and white isotope man).Voiceover (the screen reader for Apple's OSX) is often left out when people refer to screen readers. However, there are a few reasons to pay attention to Voiceover...

Proprietary software and OS choice

One of my favourite podcasts is LUGradio, one of their priorities is that any software they use should be open source. I am more worried about open formats, and posts from Mark Pilgrim and Tim Bray spurred me into planning a change of Operating System...

Avoiding spam bounces

With help from the Exim user's list, I've prevented the constant annoyance of many domain owners: bounces from spam pretending to be from your domain! If you suffer from spam-bounces and use Debian & Exim, this may be the answer you are looking for.