Category Archives: W3C
CSUN: Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines

Design bomb in W3C’s garden

The “Open Web Stack” – Snappy acronym needed

I've recently been struck by a parallel: the differences between usability and accessibility are very similar to the differences between writing the HTML5 spec and covering accessibility requirements. Perhaps that can help explain the friction, and why WAI-ARIA is needed.
SharePoint 2010 Accessibility Event

Techshare Keynote – Richard Schwerdtfeger

Local W3C validator on OSX

WCAG Samurai release errata
Joe Clark has released the final WCAG Samurai's errata, an update to the (almost) 9 year old Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 guidelines.
@media 2007
I’m just back from @media, and thought I’d post up brief notes (such as they are) for my own reference and anyone else’s gain. Obviously, I will only comment on the presentations I saw, and it’s all from my own particular perspective.
Jesse James Garrett – Beyond AJAXWCAG Samurai published at @media
A little while ago Joe Clark asked me to review the WCAG Samurai’s WCAG 1 errata, which Joe has announced will be published today.
Also available is my independent review of the errata: WCAG Samurai Errata Review. Unbeknownst to me, Joe had also asked Gian Sampson-Wild, who’s review …