Category Archives: W3C

Responsibilities in accessibility

The W3C has defined what to do for accessibility at each 'end' (i.e. client side or web site site), but there is quite a lot of overlap, and scant advice on who should be responsible for what. I'm going to try and show who's responsible now, and where things should go.

WCAG 2 response on relative units

I had submitted a comment on WCAG about relative units, and looking through my incoming links with Google's new external links tool, I discovered that they had taken it on, partially.

Firefox 3 accessibility

Firefox logo, a world icon wrapped up in a red fox. I've noticed that the Mozilla org has been doing quite a bit on accessibility, from working with IBM on Rich-apps accessibility, to funding people to make Firefox accessible with VoiceOver. Mark Pilgrim reports that Firefox 3 will include the option to block meta-redirects.

Internet Apps Roadmap – Questions

The Roadmap for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) outlines the technologies to map controls, AJAX live regions, and events to accessibility APIs, including custom controls used for Rich Internet Applications. This post just draws attention to things I (and Iperhaps other people) could do with some further explanation on.

WCAG 2 – relative units

I know, it's late. Very late. However, given the speed the process seems to work at, hopefully not too late. I added a comment to the WCAG 2 official list over the main missing item from my point of view: relative units.